Holy smoke! What happened to summer?

Holy smoke! What happened to summer?

In March, I started to build this site, while starting to create a YouTube channel, while still recovering from surgery.  As I often do, I over-did it, and needed to rest and recover.  Summer went *poof*.  Argh.

While I have had some success with my photography:

  • My You Tube channel languished over the summer
  • I took about 1/4 as many pictures as a typical summer
  • I went out on 4 hikes (usually, that’s 2 weekends worth)
  • I forgot that I left this site barely started

So, I’m going to do a couple things.

  1. Over this week, I will finish putting this site together
  2. Once the site is together,I will work on a little ‘catch up’ on building a portfolio section
  3. With the portfolio started, I will then re-start the YouTube channel
  4. From here forward, I will post pictures here first, then on FaceBook, then (if appropriate) on YouTube with how-to info

I’ve got my energy sorted out, and my sugar is now pretty well controlled, so I’m hoping not to have more downtime for a while.

So, bear with the “digital dust”.  This site will be coming online, with examples, how-to’s and hopefully can help inspire you in your artistry!



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